The equality of all employees, regardless of gender and nationality, inspires the development of innovation culture at DrilLife Group.
Innovations also promote profit markup of DrilLife Group and growth of the economy in general.
Our company primarily connects the culture of innovation with the freedom to experiment, democracy, offering new ideas and projects and results-based work. Foundation of this culture is the equality of all employees. The presence of a culture of equality within the company creates the conditions for innovation.
Courageous leadership of DrilLife Group, aiming to support cultural, gender and other diversity in the company, is not afraid to speak openly about it and ready to take responsibility for turning this task into reality.
All-encompassing action plan that includes attracting female professionals and helping them advance their careers, equal pay conditions, maternity leave (for both men and women), and so on.
Environment that promotes professional advancement is the broadest category, which includes 20 out of 40 criteria. For example: the ability to work out the office, intolerability in relation to discrimination, corporate training, respect for the employee’s right to refuse to overtime work, ability to replace exhausting business trips with a video conference, and much more.
Accenture analysts surveyed 18,000 professionals and 150 top managers around the world to determine whether the culture of equality in their companies are aligned with the 40 criteria. At the same time, among these employees was conducted a survey on the innovative world view. It includes six elements:
- confidence and agreement with the company’s goals and objectives;
- availability of time, motivation, tools, and desire to introduce innovations;
- active cooperation with colleagues;
- certain freedom of action, autonomy;
- providing additional inspiration for working outside the company;
- willingness to experiment fearlessly and successfully.
According to the results of the first survey among respondents three groups were identified: Respondents who spoke about the most and least developed culture of equality, as well as the median, «typical» group.
Comparing the answers to questions about the culture of equality and the innovative world view, the researchers found out they are directly dependent on each other. The question “does something prevent me from innovating” was answered negatively by 40% of employees from the group with the most developed culture of equality, 21% from the «typical» group, and only 7% from the group with the least developed culture of equality. In other words, it is equality introduces innovations.
This discovery also has an economic aspect. Since the survey was conducted in 27 countries, researchers compared the level of innovative thinking with economic indicators. It turned out that countries with a highly developed innovation culture have higher rates of GDP growth and labor productivity. According to Accenture’s calculations, if 10% more employees in all countries of the world adopted the innovative world view, global GDP would increase by an additional $8 trillion over 10 years.